Man Films Black Bear Climbing Into His Jacuzzi

Todd Trebony / Instagram

Dr. Todd Trebony has been on vacation in the Tennessee mountains for several days. He has documented his vacation on his Instagram page: @TheSingingDoc_

He first posted about his vacation on March 20, 2021 with a photo of the sunrise.

A few days later, he shared a video of a visitor on the porch of his Gatlinburg cabin – a black bear!

While I was trying to drink my coffee this morning, this hopped down on the porch railing!” he wrote.

The two-minute video consisted of the bear walking back and forth on the porch railing and eventually hopping in the hot tub! If you turn the volume up, you can hear Dr. Trebony’s narrations, explaining that the wild black bear had knocked the hot tub covering right off.

A woman in the cabin added that she saw it drag the covering off of the hot tub earlier that day.

Once it climbed up the steps and got in, he said, “It’s in the jacuzzi! I’m glad I wasn’t in the jacuzzi!

Then, he did something we don’t recommend: he walked outside of his cabin to get a better view. 

He got a good look of the bear “having a blast” and trying to eat the filter, but once the bear started splashing and moving around, the doctor quickly made his way back inside safely. He took another video from a different angle which showed the bear playing in the water! Seems like this bear has done this once or twice before!

Watch the videos below.