Baby Bear Confused By Why He Can’t Come Into Man’s House

@christianpondella / Instagram

Christian Pondella, an adventure sports photographer from Mammoth Lakes, California was home with his family, outside on the back deck talking to a friend on the phone when, all of a sudden, a wild bear appeared and walked right up to the deck.

“He walked right up the back deck while I was sitting out there talking in the phone!” Pondella told The Dodo.

@christianpondella / Instagram

Christian made his way inside the house to get out of any potential danger and hoped the bear would just go away. It didn’t. The bear instead climbed onto the deck and tried to follow him into the house.

He securely shut the door and the bear wasn’t getting in that way, so it began to look around for another way to get into the house. It began to peek into the back window that was open but, fortunately, it still had a screen on it.

@christianpondella / Instagram

Christian yelled at the bear to leave but it didn’t listen. Instead, the bear tore out the screen in the window. Christian, his wife, and kid kept yelling at and shooing the bear, until it eventually left.

Christian said the bear had previously been weaned off of his mother and was looking for an easy meal. However, Christian’s family put up a fight and the bear will just have to find another place to scavenge for food. The whole incident was captured on camera and you can watch it in the video below.

@christianpondella / Instagram

Bear Breaking Into Home Video Below