Squirrels Are Attacking Residents In Queens, New York

9NEWS / YouTube

Some squirrels have been terrorizing a Queens, New York, neighborhood by aggressively attacking a few of the residents. Micheline Fredrick was one of the individuals who received bite wounds after being attacked in December 2020.

Her security camera caught some footage that showed the squirrel on top of her shoulders while it was biting and hanging onto the back of her hand. The footage also showed the bloody aftermath of the attack in the snow where the two were rolling around.

Micheline told 9NEWS,“We’re wrestling in the snow and there’s blood everywhere and my fingers getting chewed and it won’t let go. Eventually, it just stopped and there I was a big bloody mess.”

Other families in the community have spoken out about the aggressive squirrels, including Vinati Singh’s family. She said, “These squirrels are aggressively going after people,” and one of the squirrels ran at her husband and climbed up his leg before he was able to shoo it away.

Another resident Licia Wang said that she was walking up to her apartment when a squirrel ran up to her, jumped on her back, and bit her on the arm before running off. “I was screaming! Crazy!” Licia said.

Several people in the community have reached out to the city for help but the Department of Health told them that they’ll have to hire their own state-licensed trappers. They did that, but so far, none of the squirrels have been captured.

“I’m a little surprised that the city is not taking it a little more seriously considering how many people have been attacked,” Vinati added.

Video Interview With The Attack Victims Below