Miranda Lambert has a huge reason to celebrate right now. Her current single, “Bluebird,” just became a #1 song! Lambert took to social media to announce that “Bluebird” was perched at the #1 spot on the Mediabase chart. She mentioned how it has been six years since she had a #1 solo song on that […] More
When announcing Granny Rich’s death, John said “she was a Mother to [him], and [he’ll] strive to live up to her example…”
A cool video has recently resurfaced on Facebook that showed the compassion a dog had for a horse by bringing it a treat.
The two of them celebrated with a date enjoying the outdoors, as well as a little friendly competition between themselves. Francie shared a photo of the two of them holding each other close while posing on a mini gold course.
In his latest video posted on July 26th, 2020, Alex is wearing a “Raggedy Andy” costume with country music playing in the background and he’s surrounded by chickens on a chicken farm. With the power of a magic word, Alex transformed egg yolk in a pan with chicken feed in it into three adorable chicks.
The home was in utter disrepair when it appeared on the market for $237,000 in 2013 but the Duggars saw the potential and bought it for $230,000 in November 2014.
Even though a year has passed since Adam last coached on “The Voice,” his banter with Blake began again after they both released new songs on the same day…
A man who appeared to be on vacation in Cozumel, an island in Mexico, found a big sea turtle turned over on her back and filmed a video of him flipping her over and saving her life.
Hillary Klug, an awesome fiddler from Tennessee, posted an incredible video of herself on Facebook, tap dancing and playing the fiddle on a dock right beside the river. She says she’s a dancing fiddler who’s proud to preserve her heritage.
The concerned viewer noticed a lump on Price’s throat and sent her an email gently advising her to get it checked out.
In a video published by The DoDo on July 22nd, 2020, a group of 8 people joined forces to rescue a moose trapped in black oil.
Shania Twain fans can put their babies, or even themselves, to sleep to her biggest hits. Her most popular songs have been turned into lullabies for the latest Rockabye Baby album, “Lullaby Renditions of Shania Twain.”