Home Security Camera Shows Before And After Tennessee Storms

Fox Nashville/Facebook

One week after devastating tornadoes hit Nashville and some of its surrounding communities, residents are still working to pick up the pieces. But, the Volunteer State took its name to heart and people showed up en masse to help.

“‘Thousands of volunteers continued to knock out projects at an insane speed today! Volunteers were so effective that multiple agencies and locations have reached out to us tonight’ asking to cancel various projects that had been slated for Sunday,” Hands On Nashville wrote on its blog Saturday.

For those outside of the Nashville area, it’s difficult to grasp the magnitude of the damage. The tornado struck Music City’s Davidson County, along with surrounding Putnam, Benton and Wilson counties, around 1 a.m. Tuesday, February 3rd. Because it was dark when the storm hit, little footage was captured until daylight when all that could be seen was the path of destruction left behind.

At least one home security camera managed to capture some footage as the storm passed over a home in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. The clip posted online captured by a Ring camera installed on a front porch shows just how quickly the tornado passed by.

The first 50 seconds of the video are relatively calm, with some flashes of lightning in the distance and wind noise. Then, almost out of nowhere, the wind intensifies. For roughly 30 seconds, the footage is a blur as debris and rain obscure the camera view. Almost as quickly as the storm hit, it gets calm again. The yard and porch are seen littered with debris and a car alarm is heard in the background.

See the chilling footage below:

If you would like to help with the continued relief efforts in middle Tennessee, donations of items such as personal hygiene items, baby items including formula, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, and bottles, battery operated lanterns, tarps, rolls of plastic sheeting, work gloves, vinyl gloves, latex gloves, Windex, Lysol products, batteries and flashlights, and towels of all sizes, are needed. They can be donated at 218 Omohundro Place, Nashville, Tennessee, 37210. Or you can make a monetary donation by clicking here: Community Resource Center of Nashville.