Julianne & Derek Hough Ignite The Crowd With Flaming “Great Balls of Fire” Dance


This amazingly talented set of siblings is back at it again with one of the most impressive performances that showcases just how incredible they are – especially when they work together!

As you watch this stunning Dancing With The Stars performance by these longtime dancing pros, you will easily remember why they have been a part of nearly every season!

Kelsey McNeal/ABC via Getty Images

Storming the stage dressed in piano-themed outfits, Julianne and Derek Hough are welcomed by a roaring applause that proves they’re some of the most-loved performers the show has ever seen. Immediately after Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Great Balls of Fire” comes on over the sound system, Derek descends a sparkling staircase toward the piano occupying the center of the dance floor, but when he opens it – the audience lost their minds!

Kelsey McNeal/ABC via Getty Images

His sister, Julianne, popped right out of the piano and they continued dancing their incredible jive, both on top of the piano and all over the dance floor. In one fell swoop, the crowd was shocked and delighted when Derek slid off the top of the piano onto Julianne’s awaiting shoulders and she carried him across the dance floor – just mere seconds before they witnessed him tossing her into the air in a series of moves that truly dropped jaws.

If you’re a fan of the Hough siblings (like most are) this is one performance you absolutely cannot miss!

The entire dance with music and costumes was part of DWTS’ “Design-a-Dance” competition which allowed viewers and audience members to vote on the performers, song choice, dance style, and costumes for the performance.

Watch this stunning video below and let us know what you think in the comments!