Larry The Cable Guy Comes Clean With His Opinions Of Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump

Fox News

Larry the Cable Guy has been getting laughs out of crowds for years with his comedy routines and jokes about the redneck lifestyle. But now, Larry is using his platform to speak about a more serious issue…politics.

During an interview on Fox & Friends on Tuesday (August 30), Larry revealed his opinions of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. As we’ve come to expect from Larry over the years, he didn’t hold anything back, and made it especially clear what he thinks of Clinton.

I know who I will not vote for…I’ll give you the initials: Hillary Clinton,” he said, going on to add that he feels Clinton “will be the end of the country.”

That’s all Larry had to say about Clinton, but he had a few more words to share about Trump, and expressed his support for him.  “I want a change. I like Trump…some of [the] things he says, he’s outrageous, so you just don’t know.

But Larry wasn’t all seriousness during his interview. He made sure to throw a few jokes into his political discussion, saying that Trump simply seems like the best choice available.

It’s kind of like the choice is, let’s see, ‘Do I want to poop my pants, or do I want somebody else to poop my pants?’ So, I dunno, I think I’ll poop my own pants,” he said.

You can watch Larry’s full interview in the clip below. He starts talking politics around the two minute mark. What do you think? Do you agree with what he had to say about the presidential candidates?