100-Year-Old Woman Fulfills Birthday Wish Of Getting Arrested And Going To Jail


North Carolina native Ruth Bryant celebrated her 100th birthday by fulfilling a longtime wish. Unlike most birthday wishes of trips, cars, or time with family, Bryant wanted to be arrested and sent to jail.

The sheriff’s office in Person County was happy to grant Bryant’s wish by sending two deputies to her assisted living facility. The officers served her with a warrant charging her with indecent exposure before handcuffing her to her walker and placing her in the patrol car.

Bryant playfully pretended to put up a fight by kicking at the officers who transported her, complete with flashing lights and blaring sirens, to the local jail. Once in jail, Bryant had a mugshot taken and was locked up. Those who witnessed Bryant’s incarceration stated that the elated centenarian exclaimed, “I’m in the jailhouse now! I finally got here!.”

Person County Sheriff’s Department

But, she wasn’t locked up for long before officers let her go with an orange “PERSON COUNTY JAIL” jumpsuit.  When Ruth was released, she was returned to her assisted living center where a party awaited her.

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