13-Year-Old Texas Boy Kills 400-Pound Feral Hog Terrorizing Farm

Facebook / Steve Neece

This sharp shot of a teenager helped a local farmer get rid of a massive hog that was truly terrorizing his land and it turned out to be a big one!

The 400-pound feral hog was taken in Columbus, Texas by local trapping expert Steve Neece and his son, 13-year-old Scout Neece.

This youngster hunts often alongside his father who often help many farmers and landowners around Texas get rid of a feral hog problem – just like this one! Steve Neece runs Dirt Nap Outfitters which provides a variety of services from guides to pest eradication. And when The Houston Chron spoke to Steve, it was clear why he considers these hogs a pest.

“It’s a non-native, very invasive species. The numbers are staggering about what kind of damage they are causing landowners…and they are spreading toward the urban and metro areas.”

Steve Neece said that he’s heard of some farmers incurring up to $25,000 per month in property damage from wild hogs. That includes them stealing the feed farmers will give to their cattle – and part of the reason why these hogs get so giant.

According to Neece, his son was able to take down the massive hog with just one shot.

“I told him ‘You will probably not see another feral hog that size, it’s one in several thousand,” Steve Neece told The Houston Chron. “The ones that are that size are really smart and hard to find. It was kind of a proud dad moment for me.”

Check out the pictures below and watch a video about feral hogs from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.

