Country Singer & Wife Announce First Pregnancy

Spring isn’t the only thing blooming over in the Hobby household! The longtime lovers have announced the pregnancy of their first baby girl and we already can’t wait! Their Love Story Michael Hobby of country brand, A Thousand Horses and his wife, Caroline are expecting their first child together. The pair have been together […] More

Jack & Coke Slushie Recipe

A standard Jack and Coke drink is one part booze, two parts soda with a few ice cubes to keep it frosty. That’s great and all, but there are a couple of ways to improve the recipe – one is by turning it into a slushie.

Blake Shelton Mourns The Devastating Loss Of Dear Friend & Hero

The country music community is experiencing the loss of another great artist this morning. Earl Thomas Conley left a large impression on everyone that he met. His talent alongside his music will be remembered forever as his friends and family say their goodbyes. One country singer, in particular, was moved by the talented legend. Earl’s Story Earl […] More

Scientists Reveal The First-Ever Photo Of A Black Hole – Why It’s A Big Deal

A never-before-witnessed phenomenon has occurred during your lifetime, and this incredible breakthrough will not be the last. Released on Wednesday, April 10th, 2019, an international scientific team announced one of the most incredible revelations of our time – and something many have long considered “unseeable.” Right #now Chandra is studying a black hole in Scorpius! […] More