Duck Dynasty’s Phil & Willie Speak At Trump Rally

Twitter / BlazeTV

“Smart as can be and wonderful people and they hit big, they hit big,” President Trump said, introducing the two stars. “And you don’t hit big unless you have it. Come on up fellas!”

Both Phil Robertson and Willie Robertson were on hand and prepared to speak at Trump’s recent Louisiana rally that he held on Wednesday, November 6th, 2019.

Trump, who spoke about all manner of topics like the impeachment inquiry, Jane Fonda, and governor candidate Eddie Rispone, welcomed the two Duck Dynasty stars to the stage to say a few words.

Phil Robertson spoke first and made his simple point to the crowd with one specific sentence: “I got it down to this: if you’re pro-God and pro-America and pro-gun and pro-duck hunting…that’s all I want!” 

And the crowd roared with cheers to that. He then gave way to his son, Willie, who spoke to the faith of the folks attending.

Willie began his own speech with a prayer for the state of the country, saying: “I don’t know what else to say after following Phil and the president and Eddie. Thank you guys so much. You have been such a great community to share life with, to worship with and I’m so tickled to be here with the president, that he actually came down to our community.”

This rally was held in Monroe, Louisiana and clearly shows the Duck Dynasty family’s support of Trump and Rispone for governor.

The full rally is below along with a shorter clip of Willie’s time on stage.