Man Finds Mountain Lion Hiding Downstairs In Family Home video screenshot

Jon Hughes found himself in a very scary situation one afternoon while he was checking on his family member’s house in Millcreek, Utah while they were out of town.

It was around 11am when Jon got to the home and he said something already seemed off because it was very cold and breezy when he opened the front door.

Jon looked around and everything appeared to be fine but when he went downstairs, he noticed something very alarming. A giant hole was broken out of the sliding glass door and all the plants in the room looked like something had chewed on them.

As he stood there in silence scratching his head trying to figure out what could have happened, a massive mountain lion came darting out of a dark corner and ran straight through the hole in the sliding glass door.

“Just kind of a surreal thing. Never seen one in my life, I’m really glad it wasn’t mad at me. It had no interest in me at all. It just kind of took off. It didn’t even look back,” Jon told KSL.

He looked around and didn’t see any blood so it’s assumed the animal wasn’t hurt. After telling the story to authorities, officials believe that the big cat saw itself in a reflection and leap at it breaking the glass.

Division of Wildlife Resources said it was a “very unusual” situation that he has never seen in the 30 years he’s been working in the area. Video footage taken by a neighbor’s home security camera shows the mountain lion, take a look at it below.