Married Couple Of 68 Years Dies 33 Hours Apart Due To Broken Hearts

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Married Couple Of 68 Years Dies Together

Robert Johnson and Corinne Johnson from Minnesota shared a married for 68 years and when one of them died, the other one couldn’t live without the love of their life and died 33 hours later.

Their Traditional American Life They Built

The two fell in love and started their marriage together on a farm in Nicollet County on October 20th, 1951. They built a traditional American life where Corrine was a dedicated housewife raising seven children and Robert worked on the farm all day milking cows and planting crops.

“Robert’s hands were evidence he was a hard worker on the farm but he always made time to be there for his seven children,” Bob’s obituary states. “He would milk the cows at all hours of the night in order to go to his children’s sporting events. He and his wife put thousands of miles on their car to watch their kids participate.”

Six months ago Robert found out that he had cancer and checked into a hospital. Corinne was so sad that her husband was in the process of dying she soon joined him in the hospital with heart issues.

Family Wasn’t Surprised They Passed Around The Same Time

They both got a room together with beds next to one another and stayed as strong as they could until November 24th when at age 87, Corinne died of congestive heart failure. Robert, age 88 was so heartbroken that his health rapidly declined and he too died the following day.

“When mom passed, they pulled the curtain between the two beds, he just stared at the curtain,” the couple’s daughter, Beth Kinkeade said, according to

Their seven children said they were “hardly surprised by the heartbreaking chain of events” and noted that their father always waited on their mother. Whether it was opening doors to let her go first or letting her be the first to fix a plate of food, it only made sense that he’d wait for her to pass away before he let go. The story is both heartbreaking and a beautiful love story. Below is the news report on the lovely couple.