Spotted Lanternflies Are Wreaking Havoc, “We Want You To Squish It”

While murder hornets are invading the western United States, another critter is wreaking havoc on the east coast. Spotted lanternflies were first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014 and have since spread across thirteen states, causing problems for crops, trees, and anything else they can land on. “They have a honeydew substance that they excrete all […] More

Tim McGraw Shares Why He Wasn’t Angry At His Dad For Leaving Him

Tim McGraw’s childhood wasn’t an easy one. But, he doesn’t harbor any resentment toward his father for leaving, and his reason is one that set him on his own path to success. Tim McGraw was 11-years-old when he found his birth certificate and learned that his dad was major league relief pitcher Tug McGraw. “I […] More