“Stop Trying To Feed Moose Pizza” Park Ranger Warns Public

Unsplash / Danika Perkinson, Miguel Andrade

Ben, a Jefferson County Open Space Ranger posted a photo of a moose on Twitter last Monday (Aug. 10) saying someone was petting and feeding a moose pizza.

He said the incident happened at the Clear Creek Canyon in Colorado. Ben later got online asking folks visiting the national park to not pet or try to feed the wild animals pizza. Noting that the animals are extremely dangerous, he also jokingly added, people should save the pizza for the rangers.

Ranger Ben wrote on Twitter, “Took a report of visitors trying to pet and feed a moose pizza in Clear Creek Canyon on Sunday,” wrote Jefferson County Open Space Ranger Ben. “Please don’t approach wildlife for any reason, moose can be extremely dangerous. Save the pizza for the Rangers.”

Ben tagged the Jefferson County Open Space Ranger’s Twitter account and they retweeted Ben’s message. To learn more about moose safety, the District Wildlife Manager, Elissa Slezak, of Summit County teaches how to prevent conflicts with moose and you can watch her six-minute CPW production video below.

“If you see moose do any of those things, run away as fast as possible,” Elissa said. “Get behind a tree, a boulder or a car, then wait for the moose to leave on its own. You won’t be able to ‘shoo’ a moose away, and if you try, it could make the situation worse.”