Why Blake Shelton Says This May Be Last Video Before He Goes To Jail

Blake Shelton / YouTube

Two weeks after it was uploaded to YouTube, Blake Shelton‘s music video for his new single, “I Lived It,” is gaining traction, and fast. In that short amount of time, the video has already managed to secure nearly 3.5 million views.

The sentimental video shows Shelton walking down old dirt roads as he remembers moments from his youth. These moments actually play out before the viewers’ eyes, as photos and videos of a younger Shelton blend with the footage of him in the present day.

In addition, two actors were hired to play younger versions of Shelton. Jordan Dolatre plays him as a child, while Zachary Beck plays him as a young man at the age of 18.

As you can tell from the views it has generated, fans are definitely enjoying the video for “I Lived It.” It’s a video that Shelton loves as well. Speaking to Billboard, he said he was pleased with how all of the pieces came together:

“I loved the way this video came together and how we were able to incorporate different aspects of my life. ‘I Lived It’ is the kind of song that takes me back to my childhood. I recorded this album on the shores of Lake Texoma, a special place with a lot of memories…”

However, at the time he was filming the video, Shelton wasn’t too sure about how it was going to turn out. In a behind-the-scenes clip just released on Thursday (March 15), he seemed a bit unsure about pretending that he could see the photos and video clips of his younger self.

Shelton said he was placing full faith in director Adam Rothlein and producer Jen Ansell that everything would turn out looking top-notch. But if it didn’t, he joked there could be some consequences.

They’re promising me this is gonna turn out cool,” he said. “So, if it doesn’t, this could be the last video I do before I go to jail.

Shelton tried as hard as he could to appear serious, but we all saw right through him!

You can check out more behind-the-scenes bits from the making of the video for “I Lived It” below.