Why Do We Celebrate Presidents’ Day?

Why do we celebrate Presidents' Day in the United States?

Photo by Rich Martello on Unsplash

The History Behind The Holiday That Started As Washington’s Birthday

Have you ever wondered why Presidents’ Day is a holiday in the United States? If so, you’ve come to the right place to learn more about the day and why we celebrate it.

According to Encyclopædia Britannica, the holiday we now know as Presidents’ Day originated in the 1880s. That’s when the U.S. first celebrated former President George Washington’s birthday (on February 22) as a federal holiday.

Portrait of the first United States President George Washington
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


Then, in 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which moved the observance of several federal holidays to Mondays. This bill was introduced so the holidays could give workers several long weekends throughout each calendar year.

However, some opposed the idea of the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill. They felt the holidays should be observed on the days they commemorate, no matter which day of the week they fall on.

How Presidents’ Day Got Its Name

As debate over the bill began, it was suggested that Washington’s birthday celebration be renamed to Presidents’ Day.

This change was introduced to recognize both Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the latter of whom had been born on February 12. Lincoln’s birthday was not an official federal holiday at that time.

United States President Abraham Lincoln
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


However, Congress initially rejected the idea of changing the holiday’s name to Presidents’ Day. Despite that, when the bill became official in 1971, the general public started using the name Presidents’ Day, and it became common practice.

Retailers further popularized the term. Stores and other businesses would market sales around Lincoln’s birthday while using the Presidents’ Day name. To this day, many retailers hold some of their biggest sales of the year on the holiday.

Why & How Do We Celebrate Presidents’ Day Today?

In modern times, Presidents’ Day occurs on the third Monday in February. This year (2025), the holiday falls on Monday, February 17.

Over time, the meaning behind Presidents’ Day has changed. Instead of just celebrating Washington and Lincoln, many people now consider it a day to celebrate all U.S. Presidents.

As mentioned previously, many businesses hold big sales on the holiday. Since many people have the day off work, the take the chance to shop for big-ticket items they’ve been saving up for, like mattresses and appliances.

Additionally, some cities hold public ceremonies and celebrations on Presidents’ Day. Your local area may be hosting some festivities this year!

Learn more about the holiday and why we celebrate it by watching the video below.