Woman Captures “Baby Dinosaur” Running Across Her Backyard

FOX 35 Orlando / YouTube

A local resident Cristina Ryan of Palm Coast, Florida said she captured a “baby dinosaur” running across her backyard and the internet is going crazy trying to figure out what it is.

“Any animal we can come up with that would be ‘walking’ at 3:40 in the morning, wouldn’t walk this way,” Cristina told FOX 35 News. “Maybe I’ve watched ‘Jurassic Park’ too many times, but I see a raptor or other small dinosaur!”

Fox shared the video of the unidentified animal on their YouTube channel and the comments started rolling in. Some said they thought it looked like a dinosaur, while others said it was an alien connected to a recent UFO sighting in the area.

Cristina went on to add, “Some say a large bird, but that makes no sense — since whatever it is appears to have front legs.  So not sure? Lol. I’m sticking with raptor myself.”

Footage Of “Baby Dinosaur” In Video Below

What Is It Really Though?

Probably the most logical answer that was in the comments was that it was a dog that got loose and was wearing a rain jacket and dragging its leash behind it.

The dog’s head appeared to be white and its body black. That all mixed in with the darkness and a short video clip can really cause the imagination to wander.

Guy Breaks Down What It Might Be In Video Below