Woman Finds 18 Snakes In Her Bedroom

Trish Wilcher / Facebook

Trish Wilcher from Augusta, Georgia went to pick up what she thought was a piece of fuzz on her bedroom floor when she realized it was actually a baby snake.

Frightened and confused, she yelled for her husband Max who ran to her aid only to find out that there were more of them slithering around. At this point, Trish called an expert snake handler to come remove them and shared a few photos on Facebook while they waited.

In the meantime, they used a trash grabber to pick the snakes up off the carpet to be removed. Once the expert showed up, he informed them that the species was a De Kay’s snake, also commonly known as a brown snake.

De Kay’s are a non-venomous snake that’s relatively small only growing nine inches to 13 inches in length. They are very shy snakes and are for the most part, harmless.

After it was all said and done, they found 17 baby snakes and one mother snake in the bedroom. They said it happened around 10:30pm and they believe it got in through a hole in the house they made to run some cables.

Everyone searched the room up and down and didn’t find any more snakes, so they took the ones they had and released them back outside. The snake handler believes the mother snake was trying to escape some nearby land that had recently been cleared and was simply looking for a safe place to have her babies.

Since then, Max has slept in the room but Trish says she’s not going to do it.

“I will not go back down there,” she told Patch, “It’s going to take a long time because that’s one of my biggest fears in life is for a snake to be in my room and possibly crawl up on me. I’m petrified, I’m scared, I don’t know how to react. …But I told (Max) that when it comes to sleeping, we’re going to be the odd couple.” 

Learn More About De Kay’s Snake Below