14-Foot “Angry” Croc Swims Alongside Boat Like A Dolphin

Chris Clark Sports / Facebook

On September 7th, 2020, a fisherman from Northern Queensland named Alec Dunn was out fishing for crab on the Bloomfield River when he filmed a wild encounter with a crocodile.


Alec was moving across the lake with good speed when he filmed a massive 14-foot crocodile emerging out of the water beside his 10-foot aluminum boat. The croc popped out of the water and he said it locked eyes with him before making a hard dive back down into the water.

“He was gaffing it for that deep water. He was sizing me up and I thought he was going to go for the tinny, but lucky he didn’t,” Alec explained to Cairns Post.

It was wild to see how fast the croc could swim. It was swimming as fast as the boat was moving and the way it was aggressively popping out of the water like a dolphin was bizarre but engaging to watch.

David White, a Daintree River crocodile guide said the behavior was “unusual and highly dangerous.”  According to him, that was an angry dive down into the water and not one you would normally see if it were just trying to hide. He said, “that’s a pi**ed off croc.” However, the man who filmed the video, Alec believes the croc was just simply bouncing off the bottom of the shallow river and coming up for a breath of air.

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