First U.S. Sailor Aboard Naval Warship Tests Positive For Coronavirus

USS BOXER LHD 4 / Facebook

The U.S. Navy has just reported its first case of a sailor contracting the deadly COVID-19 virus on a military warship in San Diego, California.

The Navy disclosed this in a report on Sunday (March 15th) saying that the sailor was aboard the military ship USS Boxer (LHD 4). The sailor was quickly pulled from the ship and instructed to stay quarantined at his home. Everyone who was in contact with him was also pulled from the ship and told to stay in self-isolation at their homes.

The Navy said in the statement, “None of them is aboard the ship currently. U.S. Navy ships conduct routine, daily cleanliness procedures geared toward health, wellness and the prevention of communicable disease spread.”

Fortunately, the ship was not out at sea on a mission and was docked at a San Diego port making it less risky on the other sailors. It was not disclosed if the sailor was living full-time on the ship or if he was just working on it during the day.

However, due to them all working in close proximity to one another serious measures have been taken to health screen everyone on the ship and to clean the entire ship to make sure it hasn’t spread to others.

“Depending on the results of that investigation, additional mitigations may be taken,” the Navy said.