Glen Campbell’s Family Reveals Tragic State Of Declining Health

Charles Dharapak / Associated Press

They are coming forward about what will be the final stages of his disease and how the once amazing performer has tragically deteriorated since his Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

Glen Campbell is a man known for many things. His music, his acting, his sparkling personality, and of course – his iconic live performances. Now, the country music legend is also known for helping raise awareness for this devastating disease through his family’s incredible openness and work with various organizations.

Campbell’s wife, Kim recently published a post on her website that reveals the tragic state of his declining health and the struggles she endures while caring for the love of her life.

β€œThe past is certainly gone for Glen. It’s sad that we can no longer share our memories and that I must do the remembering alone,” Kim writes on her site dedicated to family members caring for a loved one. “The words ring true, though. Living in the past has no future for me.Β Glen is teaching me to live each moment as it comes.”

Recently, she heard his song “A Beautiful Love Song” come on the radio and explained that since he’s entered what are the final stages of the disease, “Hearing him say the past is gone seems very profound.”

“His courage helps me find my own voice and my own song to sing,” she continued. Glen and I were very happily married before he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and I know that he would want me to continue being happy no matter what. My faith in his love for me and my faith in God will get me through and I will happily finish his beautiful love song for both of us.”

Her words are both inspirational and touching, but also a chilling reminder of the cruel effect the disease has on, not only the individual, but also their entire family. His daughter, Ashley, also recently spoke about missing her father and recalled a beautiful memory with him while sharing a video of her singing the song she wrote for him.

“I was sitting with dad yesterday and really missing him. It’s so sad with this disease that you can be sitting with someone, holding their hand and still miss them so much. Just thinking of everyone out there who’s going through the loss of a family member…”

Watch Ashley’s beautiful song in honor of her legendary and loving father below. Our thoughts and prayers are with Glen Campbell and his family during this difficult time.