Heart-Stopping Moment Crocodile Climbs Onto Fishing Boat

TIDES - Kat and Cam's Kimberley Adventures / YouTube

A heart-stopping video of a crocodile jumping onto a couple’s fishing boat has gone viral after it was posted on YouTube.

The video captures the moment when Kathryn Dyball and Cameron Bates were fishing off their 15-foot longboat in the Kimberly region of northwestern Australia and a saltwater crocodile is seen following their fishing lure as they reel in their line.

TIDES – Kat and Cam’s Kimberley Adventures / YouTube

In the video, the crocodile rapidly swims towards the boat, and it tries to catch the lure unsuccessfully before being distracted by the couple’s mobile phone, which was filming the scene.

The animal then launches itself out of the water and bumps its head against the phone before holding onto the edge of the vessel with its two forefeet for a brief moment.

At this point, the footage becomes shaky, and the crocodile is then seen floating in the lake as the boat moves away.

TIDES – Kat and Cam’s Kimberley Adventures / YouTube

The video has since been viewed over 314,000 times on YouTube and has received several comments.

“That croc was like DON’T PLAY ME LIKE THAT BOY! I’ll mess you UP! LOL! My heart would have skipped a few beats,” one person wrote.

Another wrote, “You asked for it, you got it,” while a third commented, “The look he gives screams ‘oh you think that’s funny? I will show you something funny, come here!!'”

Watch The Crocodile Video Below