London Tube Singer With 60 Million Views Performs “Shallow” On Ellen

Instagram / KevinFreshwate, YouTube / Ellen

Charlotte Awbery, a pub and wedding singer from Essex got her shot at stardom when she was asked to fly across the pond and perform on Ellen – but, in reality, her true shot came when she was stopped by a man in the subway asking her to “finish the lyric.”

Just a short time ago, Charlotte was walking downstairs toward her platform on the London Tube when Instagram personality Kevin Freshwater stopped her. He held out his microphone and said, “Finish the lyrics!!” before singing the opening verse to Lady Gaga’s song “Shallow.”

After amassing more than 60 million views in about a week – and gaining more than 460,000 followers on Instagram, Charlotte Awbery has been completely blindsided by the newfound fame.

Now, Ellen has brought her over to America to sing the full version of this hit song (which has re-entered the charts) and delivered a wonderful gift to her: £10,000!

See the full video below!