Man Lights Joint In Courtroom To Protest Marijuana Laws In Tennessee

Wilson County Sheriff's Office (left) / Instagram - hippievegan420 (right)

20-year-old Spencer Boston from Wilson County, Tennessee got the handcuffs put on him by the bailiff after lighting up a marijuana joint in the middle of a courtroom.

Wilson County Sheriff’s Office

He was there to discuss his case to Judge Haywood Barry about a charge he caught for possessing marijuana in the past. Spencer gave his speech to the judge on how weed should be legalized and when he was done he reached in his pocket, pulled out a joint and lit it with some matches.

The room was full of people waiting to speak with the judge and everyone busted out laughing as the cloud of smoke filled the courtroom. Spencer then began to speak to the crowd in protest of the current laws on marijuana. The bailiff immediately grabbed Spencer’s hands and put them behind his back as he continued to puff his weed and marched him right out of the courtroom.

Spencer was then charged with simple possession of a Schedule VI drug and disorderly conduct in the courtroom and put in jail for 10 days. Marijuana is definitely still illegal in the state of Tennessee and you will be thrown in jail if you try to do what he did.

Watch Man Light Up Marijuana Joint In Courtroom Below