Mountain Lion Chases Hiker On California Trail

ViralHog / YouTube

A hiker was jogging through the Los Angeles area on a sunny afternoon and was filming his jog when a mountain lion jumped out of a bush and charged at him.

Video footage showed the hiker walking down a beautiful trail looking over the shoreline and endless ocean while filming from their phone.

ViralHog / YouTube

Everything seemed peaceful and perfect until, all of a sudden, the jogger took off running as if he had heard something big chasing him from behind.

Right at the moment when the mountain lion was about to reach him, the hiker turned around and screamed at the animal, which scared it enough to stop chasing after him and it ran off behind a bush.

ViralHog / YouTube

“I was stalked by a mountain lion so I ran up on and scared it away with a roar at the last minute,” he said, according to Viral Hog.

The guy stood his ground and roared at the mountain lion a few more times before turning around and continuing his journey down the mountain.

Fortunately, the hiker made it home and didn’t endure any injuries during the encounter. It’s highly likely that him turning around and standing up for himself was probably the best thing that could have saved his life at that moment.

Watch Footage Of The Encounter Below