NASCAR Hall Of Fame Under Attack, Damaged & Looted

Twitter/Katie Peralta

As riots swept through Charlotte, the $160 million building fell to the hands of abusive vandals that attempted to destroy anything in their path.

Holding the irreplaceable memorabilia and exhibits from the many, many years of the sport as well as a news center, offices, etc, the NASCAR Hall of Fame was involved in the massive swarm of riots, looting, and destructive behavior that forced North Carolina’s governor to declare a state of emergency.

YouTube/The Observer
YouTube/The Observer

One of many buildings attacked during the riots that raged during the early part of the week, the conflict began following the officer-involved shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott.

Chuck Burton/AP
Chuck Burton/AP

Windows were smashed, confrontations exploded inside the restaurant housed there, and even more destruction unfolded as the riots carried on.

Twitter/Katie Peralta
Twitter/Katie Peralta

As Briebart and Speed Society report, an official informed The Observer that the buildings were currently being assessed for damage. It had also been reported that vandals were able to gain access to the building, but only entered the restaurant-related areas. No exhibits or memorabilia are confirmed as damaged.