New Chevy Christmas Ad Is Making Us All Cry

Chevrolet / YouTube

Chevrolet has a new Christmas commercial that’s based on a true story and is so emotional and heart throbbing, that it’s already making millions of people across America cry as they watch it.

The holiday ad opens up with a beautiful downward tuned guitar chord playing and an older man soberly walking off his front porch in the country with a green Christmas wreath in his hands.

His puppy dog tags right along with him, walking directly at his side. The man makes his way to his garage where replaces an old dried-up brown Christmas wreath with the fresh, new green one.

Chevrolet / YouTube

As he opens the door to the garage, you can see him fix his eyes on an old 1966 blue Chevy Impala that’s covered in dust. He rubs his hand across the hood leaving a print and walks over to the driver’s side door and opens it up.

The dog jumps in the backseat and the man sits down in the front as he picks up an old picture showing his late wife when she was younger. His mind floods with memories of the great moments they shared together and he finally cracks a smile thinking about it.

Chevrolet / YouTube

However, that smile quickly turns to a frown and he starts crying, obviously very sad that his wife is no longer with him anymore. After sitting there a while, he eventually leaves the garage and his daughter who is in the driveway sees him close the door.

The next scene cuts to the local town’s mechanic shop where his daughter is there talking to the mechanics to see if they could restore the classic vehicle. They secretly take the car and get to work fixing it and then they return it to the garage before the man notices.

Later on, as the man goes out to change the old wreath again for a new one, this time, something more heartwarming happens. He opens the garage door to find that his old car looked just about brand new. Even the picture of his wife is now hanging in a frame on the rearview mirror.

Chevrolet / YouTube

Smiling from ear to ear, he turns the key and starts up the engine. He excitedly drives it out of the garage to the front porch where his daughter is there waiting for him.

“Thank you,” the man says humbling looking at her.

“It’s what mom would have wanted,” she replies while holding back tears.

“It’s the best Christmas gift I could ever have,” he says back to her.

Watch the heartwarming and sometimes heart-wrenching video below. It will be broadcast nationally over the holidays and you don’t want to miss it!