Reba Reveals Halloween Prank Boyfriend Rex Linn Pulled On Her

Rex Linn / Instagram

Country music legend Reba McEntire has been dating actor Rex Linn since early 2020. They went out to dinner with friends and became inseparable. They even have cute nicknames for each other! Together, they are the “Tots,” with Reba as “Tater Tot” and Rex being “Sugar Tot.”


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During a recent virtual press event, Reba was asked about the significance of Halloween and her boyfriend, Rex.

Halloween is his favorite holiday,” she said.

The “Fancy” singer also reveals that Rex once pranked her so badly that she wanted to fire anyone who knew about it.

“Last year, he ordered from Costco a 7-foot werewolf with a motion sensor in it, and he put it in my bathroom. And when I walked in there, it moved and growled at me,” she said.

She also told everyone,”Everybody who had anything to do with it, you’re all fired.”

But at the end of the day, she thought it was hilarious.

“I started giggling. And then I was pretty flattered that he went to all that trouble to scare me. And then we took it to every place we could to scare everybody else. We had a blast with it.”

This interview was before Halloween and she mentioned she wasn’t sure was Rex had planned for her this year, but she was definitely looking forward to it!