Tennessee: World’s Largest Treehouse Burns Down

Twitter / Brandon Barnes, Facebook / Crossville Chronicle

The “Minister’s Treehouse” which is known as the largest ever constructed in the world has sadly burned down.


Located in Crossville, Tennessee, The Minister’s Treehouse was built over the course of more than a decade by a local minister named Horace Burgess. He began building it in 1993 after a prayer session in which he says God told him “If you build a treehouse, I will see that you never run out of materials.”


The massive, 10-story-treehouse stood more than 100-feet tall and was supported by seven large trees. It was a very popular tourist attraction for years among travelers to the area.


In 2012, the local Fire Chief declared the building a fire hazard and it was closed to tourists. A structure composed of only wood would truly suffer devastating effects if a fire were to break out.


And, sadly, that’s exactly what happened…

A video shared by local publication The Crossville Chronicle, explains that a fire had consumed the entire treehouse on Tuesday (October 22nd). The fire broke out around 10:30 pm local time, and quickly took the treehouse with it.
