Video: Quarantined Man Walks His Dog With Drone

Vakis Demetriou / Facebook

Vakis Demetriou figured out a genius way to walk his dog after his entire city went into lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak by attaching a dog leash to his drone.

Vakis posted the video to his Facebook page saying,“5th-day quarantine. Stay home safe but don’t forget your dog’s happiness.” 

According to his Facebook page, he lives in a city called Limassol that’s located on an island in the Middle East, northwest of Israel. The city has been on full lockdown since Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, and has banned all mass gatherings, closed all schools and closed most businesses.

Since no one’s allowed to go outside unless they are going to the grocery store, the hospital, the pharmacy or to walk the dog, Vakis decided on the 5th day of quarantine to stand on his balcony and use his drone to give his dog Oliver the proper exercise he deserves.

The video was captured by Vakis’s daughter who was making sure she was abiding by the rules of social distancing herself a few feet away from Oliver. Whether Vakis is a good pet owner or just trying to make a funny video, the video quickly went viral, and as of March 20th, it currently has over 34 thousand shares, 6 thousand comments, and 6 thousand likes.

Watch The Viral Video Of Drone Walking The Dog Below