Watch Returning Soldiers Greeted By Their Pups In Heartwarming Must-See Compilation

funnyplox YouTube Channel

It’s a heartbreaking moment when a daughter, son, mother, or father is faced with the devastating distance and separation that military deployment entails. While some are absent for months, even years, it’s their homecomings that continue to remind the once distanced soldier how much he or she truly is loved and appreciated.

However, while the hugs and kisses from reuniting family members cease to end, it’s one family member in particular that continues to get the short end of the stick. After all, they’re referred to as “Man’s Best Friend” for a reason! Fortunately, a video was created compiling a variety of heartfelt and tearjerking reunions between soldiers and their pups!

If y’all thought the families were excited to see their loved ones return home, you’ll be in a pleasant surprise when you see these pooches get the surprise they’ve been longing for! While the video is paws-itively adorable, it’s also a profound reminder that everyone is affected in times of loss or departure; even your furry, four-legged partner. 

Watch the incredible reunions below and let us know what you think!