Danica Patrick Fights Body Shame, Explains Her Photos

Sean Gardner / Getty Images

After sharing a photo of her toned and fit body on social media, this NASCAR driver saw backlash from a number of people who accused her of retouching the photo and misrepresenting herself – and she’s fighting back and clearing the air.

Danica Patrick has been known for her tight fitness regimen, dedication to healthy eating, and her overall outlook on health as a member of the sports community. In recent months, her own line of fitness apparel has launched and she’s written a book completely about showing people how to become healthier physically and mentally while fueling their bodies with the right foods.

In a new set of Instagram photos, the fitness guru and famous NASCAR driver shared the truth behind “real” and “produced” body photos and also explained exactly what went into that controversial photo she used for the cover of her book.

“I kinda love when people do real vs produced shots,” She writes on the photo sharing site. “The difference between the two is lighting, pose, and clothes adjustments.”

Touching on an important note about body shame, Patrick continued on to say that everyone wants to look their best in every moment and nobody should be shamed for that, but added “don’t let someone else’s body put yours down” and suggested using it for motivation to achieve your own fitness goals.


Previously Patrick had undergone some body shaming from people criticizing a photo she used for the cover of her new book – and they accused her of retouching the photo and airbrushing it to enhance her physique and appearance. The racing star decided to take matters into her own hands and show folks exactly what the original photo looked like and explain any edits that were made.

“Because minimal retouching has been important to me with ALL the pictures…I wanted to show you the raw image from when I was deciding which one to use for the cover,” Patrick said. “Many of you thought it was highly retouched and the main thing they do is even out the skin tone, mostly on the legs.”

Noting how she was able to get the photo to show off such an amazing body, she explained, “I worked very hard. Anyone can be lean and muscular if they want to…but you have to put in the work and learn how to eat right. It’s all possible, believe in yourself.”

Check out both photos below so you can see what she means about the minimal retouching and let us know what you think about her statements in the comments.

