Footage Shows Man Petting Wild Boar Until It Falls Asleep

Fred Fred Chen Tan - Singapore Wildlife Sightings / Facebook

Singapore resident Fred Fred Chen Tan shared a video on the Facebook group Singapore Wildlife Sightings of him petting a wild boar that walked up to him in the middle of the night.

Fred Fred Chen Tan - Singapore Wildlife Sightings / Facebook
Fred Fred Chen Tan – Singapore Wildlife Sightings / Facebook

He spoke sweetly to the boar as it walked towards him sensing that Fred was being friendly. Cautiously and slowly the boar walked right up to his boot and sniffed it and Fred kneeled down to pet the animal. At this point, the boar rolled over on its back showing its belly allowing Fed to continue petting it.

Fred Fred Chen Tan – Singapore Wildlife Sightings / Facebook

Fred explained in the post that he lived in a small village in Thailand when he was growing up and interacted with wild animals on a daily basis. He also noted that he’s experienced with how to act around them and cautions those who are not experienced to stay away from wild animals.

“This kind of wild are normal to me,”  he wrote on Facebook. “To those that not experience of wild animals as an advice please stay away from the wilds cause you don’t know what’s their next move would be.” 

Wildlife officials agree. People should keep a safe distance and not provoke the animals. Especially if the boars have young because they can be more aggressive and likely to attack if bothered. Go ahead now and take a look at Fred petting the boar in the video below.

Click To Watch The Boar Video Below