Shelter Cat Frees His Comrades In Big Escape That Lands Him In Solitary

Facebook / Friends For Life Animal Rescue Houston

One “crafty” cat, fittingly named Quilty, made it be known to his shelter friends that he will never be contained…and he’s since become famous.

(Above: Quilty as a kitten. Credit: YouTube / KPRC 2)

Quilty, who was adopted out of the Friends For Life animal shelter in Houston, Texas as a kitten, unfortunately, was returned to the shelter when his owner moved recently.

Since his return, shelter employees have come to learn of his secret talent – escapism.

“Quilty will not be contained. And he has no shame,” reads the shelter’s Facebook post.

After several escapes on his own, Quilty managed to not only free himself – but the other 11 cats in his cell block at the shelter overnight. When employees came in the next morning, they were astounded at the massive amount of cats roaming around the shelter…free as a bird.

“Quilty loves to let cats out of the senior room. Repeatedly. Several times a day,” the post continues.

Image may contain: indoor
Friends For Life Animal Rescue / Facebook

Once this crazy Houdini escape happened and he freed his comrades, the shelter decided it was time to put Mr. Quilty in solitary confinement – for both his safety and the safety of others.

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Friends For Life Animal Rescue / Facebook

“We have since Quilty-proofed the cat room, while he took a brief hiatus in the lobby. His roommates missed him while he was banished to the lobby. They enjoyed their nighttime escapades around the shelter. The staff, however, did not miss the morning cat wrangling, so we’ll just have to agree to disagree there.”

Apparently, Quilty’s escapism isn’t new and he previously was known for letting his dog sibling into the home at his whim.

The shelter’s comical post on facebook has since gained national media attention – and might even have found a new home for crafty Quilty.

Watch the full news report below and check out the Friends For Life Animal Rescue’s post.