This Woman Hunts Pythons Across Florida…So They Call Her “Python Queen”

YouTube / Sun Sentinel

She’s one legendary woman – and people are taking notice!

Donna Kalil is fondly known as the Python Queen throughout most of Florida and has been doing it for more than a decade.

After giving up a successful career in real estate, Donna dove head-first into hunting these reptiles after realizing what a big problem Burmese pythons actually were in the fragile ecosystem of the Everglades.

Donna, who is called a Python Elimination Specialist, is the leader of the Everglades Avenger Team and according to her website – she has personally taken out more than 480 pythons!

Her experiences as one of the foremost experts in python hunting have been detailed by many news outlets and major networks over the years.

The Miami New Times called her knowledge of wildlife “encyclopedic” as they told the story of a ride-along with Donna during a snake hunt.

Clearly, this lady is a force to be reckoned with – especially if you’re a python.

An extremely physically demanding job, Donna’s desire to make an impact on the python problem in the Everglades began in 2005 after she learned of the massive number of them invading that fragile ecosystem.

Since becoming one of the foremost python hunting experts, her work has inspired many others and the state of Florida even offers python hunting classes!

Watch the video below about the python problem and another below that detailing some of the work that Donna Kalil does!