Tom Hanks Denied Beer At 2019 Stagecoach – Didn’t Have A 21+ Wristband

Instagram / youvegothanks

They were serving beer all over the festival grounds, but it didn’t matter which bartender Tom Hanks went up to – they all refused to give him a beer!

One of America’s most-loved actors, Tom Hanks, took some time off from his day job and spent a few days at the 2019 Stagecoach Festival in California with his wife, Rita Wilson.

She was at the show as one of the performers and her hubby was thrilled to be there and watch her sing up on that big stage.

“It was magnificent,” he said, commenting on watching his wife’s performance. “What’s great about that is there’s music all day long. So you just kind of go from one venue to the next.”

But out in the hot sun at the festival filled with good music, Hanks got a craving for some beer – so he went over to the bar with a big sign that said “Beer For Sale” and asked one of the bartenders for a drink.

However – their answer wasn’t what he was hoping to hear. 

In a recent interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Hanks confessed that he got denied by all four of the bartenders there – and no matter how hard he tried to convince them to serve him…they said no!

“I wanted to have a nice tasty bucket of suds,” he told Ellen. “So I went to the place where you get the beer from and there were four ladies who were serving it up and I stood up and I said ‘Pull me a draw!’ And they said, ‘We can’t because your ID has not been verified.’”

He was confused, to say the least, about his identity “not being verified.” He’s Tom Hanks for crying out loud!

“‘It says Beer For Sale here and I’ve come to ask for a beer and you’re not going to give me one because, what, you think I’m underage?!’”

“I said ‘I’m 62 years old and you know my name so I think I should be able to get a beer,’” he continued. “They said, ‘No, you have to go — somewhere over there is a stand where you give them your ID and you verify that you’re old enough to have a beer.’”

When that didn’t work – and the fact that 99% of America could recognize him in an instant and know he’s well above 21 years old, he tried to bribe the gals with tickets to the upcoming Toy Story 4 premiere…but they held strong!

Listen to this entire hysterical story about his beer denial woes below!