Horse Sees Baby In A Carrier And Does The Unthinkable

In certain circumstances, horses can be completely unpredictable. Even if you love them and treat them well, they can be temperamental. For this horse in particular, he seemed to be a loving, caring and devoted horse. When his owner placed her baby in the baby carrier in front of the horse, we didn’t know what to […] More

Willie Nelson Rips Donald Trump For “Locker Room Talk” Excuse

Just before the second presidential debate, audio was leaked from Donald Trump’s visit to Access Hollywood in 2005. While he and host Billy Bush were alone on the Access Hollywood bus, Trump told him a story of a married woman he tried to have relations with, but was unsuccessful. After some banter back and forth, it […] More

Vince Gill’s Live Performance Of ‘Go Rest High On That Mountain’

“Go Rest High On That Mountain” is probably Vince Gill’s most recognized song. It is also his saddest. We imagine that performing it takes a lot out of him emotionally and it can’t be easy to sing over and over again. Gill is a seasoned professional at performing the heartbreaking song, but it still seems to get him […] More