Elderly Couple Chased Down By Cows, Saved By Helicopter Rescue

CHP - Golden Gate Division Air Operations / Facebook

Two elderly hikers in California had an intense confrontation with a cow and her calf that resulted in a California Highway Patrol (CHP) helicopter rescuing them.


The couple was enjoying an 11-day hiking adventure in Lynch Canyon Regional Park, just north of Vallejo, when the cow chased them. The couple attempted to run from the cow but fell down and they both hurt themselves to the point where they could not walk.

Help was called and the rescue operation was filmed by the CHP Golden Gate Division Air Operations who posted the video to Facebook on August 10th, 2020.

“A CHP Flight Officer/Paramedic made contact with the couple and determined that they were injured and a hoist rescue would be needed. CHP H-32 hoisted the couple, one by one, approximately 75 feet to H-32 and were flown to waiting crews at the trail head.” CHP – Golden Gate Division Air Operations wrote on Facebook

The couple was airlifted 75 feet by California Highway Patrol who used the helicopter’s siren to scare the cow away from the couple and rescue workers. The cow vigilantly stood its ground. The hikers were transported to a local hospital where they received treatment for their injuries. You can watch the footage in the video below.