Man Bashes Cougar In Head With Paddle After Getting Too Close To It

Kayak Anglers of San Antonio KASA / Jose A Flores-Zaher / Facebook

A fisherman in California filmed a video of himself paddling his canoe towards a mountain lion swimming in the middle of a lake and then hitting it on the head with his paddle after getting close enough to the animal.

The shocking video was shared on Facebook to the Kayak Anglers of San Antonio KASA by Jose A Flores-Zaher back in May of 2019. The video showed the fisherman about 100 feet away from the big cat as he filmed moving toward it.

The cat appeared to be trying to swim away from the fisherman across the lake to get to the dry land on the other side, but the man closed the distance between him and the mountain lion pretty rapidly.

Within seconds, the fisherman was within just three yards from the cat and it turned around to defend itself from the man aggressing toward him. When the fisherman was about six feet away he raised his paddle in the air and smacked it at the water towards the mountain lion.

The cat raised its paw in the air too at the same time and smacked the water but because of the momentum of his boat, the fisherman began to get even closer to the animal.

At this point, he was about four feet from the big cat and he smacked it in its paws which made the mountain lion make a face of pain and stop moving.

Kayak Anglers of San Antonio KASA / Jose A Flores-Zaher / Facebook
Kayak Anglers of San Antonio KASA / Jose A Flores-Zaher / Facebook

Then the man smacked it really hard in the face and on top of the head with the paddle which made the animal frantically try to swim away.

Fortunately, the boat’s momentum was pushing the cat away from the fisherman and the man in the boat just continued to film while riding past.

Watch Footage Of Mountain Lion Swimming In Lake Below