Man Finds Sea Turtle Struggling On Its Back & Flips It Over

The Dodo / Facebook

A man who appeared to be on vacation in Cozumel, an island in Mexico, found a big sea turtle turned over on her back and filmed a video of him flipping her over and saving her life.

The Dodo / Facebook

The man showed the turtle on the side of a road and said it had apparently fallen off a three-foot ledge of a bridge as she tried to cross the road and landed hard on the rocks below.

She was thought to have come onto land to lay her eggs. The poor creature had cracked her shell from the fall and was bleeding from her mouth as she struggled to flip herself back upside right.

“She’s bleeding. I’m gonna flip this little baby over. I’m going to do my best, anyway,” the man said in the video below.

The Dodo / Facebook

Fortunately, he managed to flip the heavy tortoise over, and even though she was busted up and extremely exhausted, she was so happy to be back upright that she instantly took off towards the ocean.

The sun was rising over the water as she powered her way back to her home. The man commentated every step of the way as she fought to make it and indeed, she did make it. The turtle swam off to live out the rest of her life thanks to the good deed of this unknown man.

Watch Man Flip Turtle Over On Its Back In Video Below