Woman Finds Dead Gator With Note Attached

Elizabeth Axeberg was walking along Logan Boulevard near Olde Cypress Country Club when she spotted a dead alligator on the side of the road with a piece of yellow tape on it that read, “hit by a car.”

Dog Dies Saving Country Musician From House Fire

Along with losing Frank, Scott lost several instruments, recording equipment, master tracks, and all of his personal belongings. The only things that survived were the instruments he had left in his truck from the gig prior.

“American Idol’s” Cecil Ray Baker Arrested For Burglary

When Cecil Ray Baker first met the American Idol judges this season, he inspired them with his resilience after experiencing so much loss in his life. In his package, Cecil explained that when he was 11 years old, he lost his best friend to suicide. The following year, his brother committed suicide and almost a […] More